2015 Highlights
December 21, 2015 • life, theatre
This was the year I often chose life over blogging. So many things happened, but I didn't feel each one warranted its own blog post. The predominant highlight was theatre, but plenty of other things happened, many worth celebrating, some more somber. I certainly can't complain.

- I got my first eshakti dress! I'd seen bloggers all over reviewing these and was waiting for the day I was invited to join the club. I'm a convert and I now own five of their dresses (and may or may not have more on the way)
- I never have much to say about January because it's the middle of winter and I try my best to hibernate it away.
- Sean and I celebrated our tenth dating anniversary. How time flies!
- I made my TV debut on the local news.
- Broadway! I won tickets to now-closed It Shoulda Been You. I took my mom and we both met our favorites: Sierra Boggess and Tyne Daly.
- I began my attempts at gardening.
- Things went awry in Baltimore, but I wasn't fooled by the news. I'm still happy to live here.
- Theatre! My sister and I caught Wicked on tour here in Charm City. Neither of us had seen it before.
- Let the celebrations begin! So many friends and family graduated college this year,
- More celebrations! Our fifth wedding anniversary and Sean's sister's high school graduation were on the same day.
- Sean's birthday! We skipped out weekend getaway this year in favor of celebrating with friends and family.
- We did travel on another weekend for Sean's annual family reunion and to belatedly celebrate his brother turning 21!
- Our first cruise!
- Pure chaos! Sean and I both had busy falls between coaching and lots to be done at work. I have no recollection of this month aside from a less-than-fun Labor Day weekend. Better luck next year,
- Back to Broadway! I was able to score a $35 orchestra ticket to The King and I. Amazing! I also learned traveling solo ain't so bad.
- I participated in my first 5K...I walked!
- I was rear-ended in a hit and run...and am just now getting treatment and car repairs due to lengthy insurance confusion.
- More theatre! I caught the Book of Mormon on tour (hilarious!) and reunited with my high school bestie to catch a local production of Legally Blonde the Musical.
- Spent three evenings doing one of my favorite volunteer activities - the Operation Christmas Child processing center!
- On a somber note, Sean's aunt who we stay with each year for the family reunion passed away suddenly just before Thanksgiving. We had another family reunion, just not the kind anyone had hoped for.
- Theatre, Theatre, Theatre! Celebrated my brother's birthday with Marvel Universe Live, and my mother's with the national tour of The Sound of Music. I'll let you guess which I liked best.
- Said bestie and I from last month are getting ready to run up to NYC to see Broadway's On Your Feet.
- ....and then it's Christmas!
What were your highlights this year?

Baltimore, MD, USA
The Reason for the Season + Giveaway
December 18, 2015 • giveaway, holiday, review
We've talked before about my family's ornament tradition. One of my favorite things at Christmas is unwrapping each one and reminiscing of it's origin. Maybe it's a childhood photo of Sean or a souvenir from a memory we've made together. Maybe (and likely) it was a gift from my mother.
Of course, Christmas itself is a tradition: the tradition of thanking God for sending His Son to earth among us, of pausing to remember and celebrate His human birth. While a nativity set somewhere in our home reflects this, our tree does not. Until this year.
I received a stunning boxed set of Adorenaments® from Ever Thine Home, His Christmas Names pronouncing seven names of Jesus in gold metal form. I'm partial to this set and was thrilled to receive it, but Ever Thine does offer an additional two sets of Adorenaments®: His Savior Names and His Royal Names, featuring additional names of Christ in different silver ornament designs.
I was especially thrilled with the presentation of each set as they come beautifully boxed (what can I say, I'm easy to please!) with a book highlighting the importance of each name.
Our tree had already been decorated, but I was thrilled to "prepare Him room," if you will, and add all 7 names. This set will definitely be part of our ornament tradition for years to come.
Ever Thine Home sent along an additional set to gift to one of you this season. Enter below!

Baltimore, MD, USA
A Thank You Letter to Mindy Kaling
December 10, 2015 • life, love
Dear Mindy Kaling,
Last night, my husband and I caught up on season 4 of The Mindy Project from episode 11 through the mid-season finale.
As Sam Smith began to sing towards the finale's end, my husband reached for my hand, assuming I was sad. Maybe even crying. He didn't realize that despite looking somber, I was actually rejoicing.
When I was 18, I dated a boy. Everything was perfect: I'd never met someone so sweet and we were surely in love. Three months later, he drove me home from work while giving me the cold shoulder. He didn't say a word until he pulled into my driveway and then he exploded. My "offense"? I did my job.
No, really. I was in college and waiting tables. He showed up shortly after 7 to pick me up from a shift ending at 8 pm. When a table came in at 7:30, my boss assigned the table to me, I waited it, and I was off by 8. Nothing incomprehensible to me.
To him, I was a selfish, horrible, inconsiderate person. How dare I waste his time? I should grovel for his forgiveness. He shouldn't even consider giving me a second chance.
I'm not making any of this up or exaggerating. This was the start of a emotionally abusive relationship. He would frequently react this way if I did anything insane like make a trip to the grocery store or pick up an extra shift at work without calling and telling him first.
What's that? I dared to label the relationship "abuse" when he never violently touched me? Some people will call that exaggeration, and that is where we have a problem. Emotional abuse is real, and it's a devastating problem that can turn a competent, strong, independent woman into a passive, fearful shell of her formal self.
I was that former shell for nearly a year, and I've seen Dr. Mindy Lahiri become that shell throughout season 4. This season has been frustrating; I've wanted to reach through the TV and scream at Dr. L—even though I know she won't listen. Women in this situation rarely do. If they're lucky, they reach a point where they wake up and take the first step towards moving on.
I took that step 11 months into our so-called "relationship". 11 months too late, but better late than never. Seeing Dr. L take her first step in the mid-season finale was both relieving and empowering.
The comment threads on Facebook are filled with devastated fans who just want Mindy and Danny to "work it out," but this is more than just sitting down and having a talk. There are huge personal issues to tackle that may or may not ever be resolved. The romantic in me always loves a happy ending, but this ending, disappointing to some as it may be, is happy to me, and more importantly, could ultimately bring happiness to Mindy Lahiri. Whether or not they reconcile, I'm proud of her decision.
Thank you, Mindy Kaling. Emotionally abusive relationships are everywhere but rarely discussed and almost never represented in the media. Thank you for the truthful presentation of what these relationships are really like, and thank you for making Mindy Lahiri a role model. That's not a word I often use to describe the character, but the best example she can set in this situation is to get out of it. You've encouraged me through this very real writing, and more importantly, I hope you've encouraged other women who haven't yet woken up to do follow in Dr. L's lead.

Last night, my husband and I caught up on season 4 of The Mindy Project from episode 11 through the mid-season finale.
As Sam Smith began to sing towards the finale's end, my husband reached for my hand, assuming I was sad. Maybe even crying. He didn't realize that despite looking somber, I was actually rejoicing.
When I was 18, I dated a boy. Everything was perfect: I'd never met someone so sweet and we were surely in love. Three months later, he drove me home from work while giving me the cold shoulder. He didn't say a word until he pulled into my driveway and then he exploded. My "offense"? I did my job.
No, really. I was in college and waiting tables. He showed up shortly after 7 to pick me up from a shift ending at 8 pm. When a table came in at 7:30, my boss assigned the table to me, I waited it, and I was off by 8. Nothing incomprehensible to me.
To him, I was a selfish, horrible, inconsiderate person. How dare I waste his time? I should grovel for his forgiveness. He shouldn't even consider giving me a second chance.
I'm not making any of this up or exaggerating. This was the start of a emotionally abusive relationship. He would frequently react this way if I did anything insane like make a trip to the grocery store or pick up an extra shift at work without calling and telling him first.
What's that? I dared to label the relationship "abuse" when he never violently touched me? Some people will call that exaggeration, and that is where we have a problem. Emotional abuse is real, and it's a devastating problem that can turn a competent, strong, independent woman into a passive, fearful shell of her formal self.
I was that former shell for nearly a year, and I've seen Dr. Mindy Lahiri become that shell throughout season 4. This season has been frustrating; I've wanted to reach through the TV and scream at Dr. L—even though I know she won't listen. Women in this situation rarely do. If they're lucky, they reach a point where they wake up and take the first step towards moving on.
I took that step 11 months into our so-called "relationship". 11 months too late, but better late than never. Seeing Dr. L take her first step in the mid-season finale was both relieving and empowering.
The comment threads on Facebook are filled with devastated fans who just want Mindy and Danny to "work it out," but this is more than just sitting down and having a talk. There are huge personal issues to tackle that may or may not ever be resolved. The romantic in me always loves a happy ending, but this ending, disappointing to some as it may be, is happy to me, and more importantly, could ultimately bring happiness to Mindy Lahiri. Whether or not they reconcile, I'm proud of her decision.
Thank you, Mindy Kaling. Emotionally abusive relationships are everywhere but rarely discussed and almost never represented in the media. Thank you for the truthful presentation of what these relationships are really like, and thank you for making Mindy Lahiri a role model. That's not a word I often use to describe the character, but the best example she can set in this situation is to get out of it. You've encouraged me through this very real writing, and more importantly, I hope you've encouraged other women who haven't yet woken up to do follow in Dr. L's lead.

Baltimore, MD, USA
How to Build Your Blog Community with Facebook Groups
December 2, 2015 • blog
This post is featured on Sverve today!
There are a plethora of blog posts giving advice to new and prospective bloggers. The tips may vary, but most every post will include "the golden rule" in some way, shape or form. You know the one: do unto others as you want done unto you. If you're serious about blogging, this is the #1 rule:
Want your blog to be read? Read other blogs.
Want to receive comments? Leave comments.
Want your blog to be noticed? Notice other blogs.
Starting a blog? Growing your blog? Involve other bloggers—blogging is a community!
It can be easy to get independent or competitive, but I've found blogging is best when done together. In fact, the person I text most these days (aside from my husband) is another blogger who I haven't even met in person.
The blogging community is very large, yet can still feel small at times. Just like being the new kid in school, there are many groups to explore, and at least one is certain to "fit." I've found that in blogging terms, the best groups, or communities, are found on Facebook.
Facebook communities for bloggers tend to fall under 1 of 2 categories. Many do a bit of both:

There are a plethora of blog posts giving advice to new and prospective bloggers. The tips may vary, but most every post will include "the golden rule" in some way, shape or form. You know the one: do unto others as you want done unto you. If you're serious about blogging, this is the #1 rule:
Want your blog to be read? Read other blogs.
Want to receive comments? Leave comments.
Want your blog to be noticed? Notice other blogs.
Starting a blog? Growing your blog? Involve other bloggers—blogging is a community!
It can be easy to get independent or competitive, but I've found blogging is best when done together. In fact, the person I text most these days (aside from my husband) is another blogger who I haven't even met in person.
The blogging community is very large, yet can still feel small at times. Just like being the new kid in school, there are many groups to explore, and at least one is certain to "fit." I've found that in blogging terms, the best groups, or communities, are found on Facebook.
Facebook communities for bloggers tend to fall under 1 of 2 categories. Many do a bit of both:
- Networking and advice. These groups are for bloggers to meet one another, bounce ideas around, ask questions, and troubleshoot. A great example of this is a group I'm in that's exclusively for bloggers who use the blogger platform (vs. WordPress). Having this in common ensures we are able to help one another.
- Promotion and growth. These groups are full of threads with a "quid pro quo" attitude towards blog (and associated social media) growth. Want comments? Leave a blog post in the thread and you'll receive them—and return the favor to those who did. Threads can range from blog traffic to social media follows to increased interaction. The best groups regularly monitor activity and "clean up" members who don't follow rules to ensure fairness for participants.
Both groups have their value. I recommend joining at least one of each kind, though as mentioned, many groups have both threads and the opportunity to network. I'm a member of several different groups, though I have my favorites which I use most often.
The best way to get started? Just search. I was curious if there were many bloggers near me, typed "Maryland Bloggers" into my Facebook search bar, and there was an established group of the same name! Other bloggers can also invite or recommend groups that will be a good fit. Each is different, so it's good to explore several to decide which ones are best for you. Factors to consider include group size, rules, and consistency (always find and read a group's rules before posting). It might be overwhelming, for instance, for a new blogger to join a group where hundreds of bloggers sign up for an "all or nothing" thread each day. A simpler start may be to find a group where questions are encouraged and thread submission requires a set number of reciprocations.
Joining the right community is worth it's weight in gold. It's just as satisfying to be able to help another in the community as it is when another member is able to advise you in a particular situation. Plus, the work you put in to help others grow will bring you growth as well!
Are you a member of any blogging communities on Facebook? Why or why not?

Baltimore, MD, USA
Adore: Christmas Songs of Worship + Giveaway HOP!
December 1, 2015 • giveaway, holiday, review
Sponsored Review
It also means Christmas music in a loop...over and over and over again. I came to hate any and all Christmas music.
I've since gotten over that (except for The Christmas Song, which I'm pretty sure I'll hate for life. Why must everybody cover that song!?). Case in point? Chris Tomlin just released a Christmas CD-Adore: Christmas Songs Of Worship
You know what I did?
I ripped that sucker out of the bubble mailer and popped it into my work laptop. Thanks to headphones, no one need know I was listening to Christmas tunes so early.
It's an interesting album; the subtitle turns out to be perfectly fitting as the first few songs felt more like songs of worship than songs of Christmas, though those appear later in the track list. All the songs, of course, have Tomlin's mellow, soothing tone. If you love Christmas music, you'll appreciate the uniqueness of this album, If you hate it, you'll appreciate that this isn't another cliche collection of upbeat covers; this might be the one Christmas album you'll be willing to tolerate.
Either way, Flyby promotions kindly sent me this CD for review and agreed to let me give another copy away. Plus, I'm throwing in another $10 to Amazon for any last minute Christmas shopping! Simply enter below, then keep scrolling for a list of more giveaways!
Welcome to the Twas the Hop Before Christmas Giveaway Hop!
Hosted by:
Mama Smith's | Women and Their Pretties
Co-Hosted by:
Life Is An Adventure - The Disney Gals | Bite's Reviews You Can Use | Still Blonde After All These Years | I Don't Have Time For That | Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews |Reviews By Clo
Many bloggers have teamed up to bring you the last The Hopping Bloggers Giveaway Hop of the year! And we saved the best for last - just check out these prizes! Be sure to enter them all - there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

The Fastest Way to Send Christmas Cards + Giveaway
November 23, 2015 • giveaway, holiday, sponsored
When I moved from Virginia to Maryland, I began sending out Christmas cards each year. Mail can be such a day-brightener when it isn't bills or spam!
Each year since, I've noticed something interesting. I get the same feedback each year from at least one (different) person:
"Thanks for the card! I wish I had the time to send out cards. Maybe next year."
I'm certainly not offended at not receiving cards from everyone, but I am concerned at the idea that cards take a long time to send. I personally spend more time selecting Christmas cards than I do sending them. I set up a process the first year (that granted, is an time investment that pays off in future years) that has made sending cards each year after a breeze!
My secret? I have a hard time calling it a secret, but still, people are surprised:
Microsoft Office.
It really is that easy. If you can carve out some extra time one year to plop all your contacts into an Excel spreadsheet, mail merge does all the work for you in the years after. Just follow these steps, and you'll have cards ready to be send in no time:
- Gather your contacts. I create a document in excel with the names and addresses of everyone I want to send cards to (make sure you set up fields; I use last name, first name, address, and city/state/zip, so that it can read properly in mail merge). The first time you do this, it will take some time, but in future years, this becomes a super short step of "scan your list of contacts for anyone who's moved, married, etc., and update their information"
- Choose your cards. This is my favorite step and for me, often the longest. There are so many choices! I have done photo cards, but most years, I choose a variety of pretty boxed cards (like the pictured mini assortment I picked up at the Hallmark Store this year). Since you have all your contacts in the Excel file, you can easily see how many you need! I always allow for a few extras for any forgotten recipients or cards returned-to-sender (I catch most people who move, but always seem to miss at least one!)
- Sign your cards. I usually keep this simple with a quick "Dear mom and dad," at the beginning then a "love, Sean and Bekah" at the end.
- Make your labels. This is the real time saver. I buy some blank mailing labels and do a mail merge into Word with the excel file (the software walks you through this, and I have a tutorial video below!). This sets up all your names and addresses in a format that you can print right on to the labels. I jazz it up with a pretty (but readable) font, and hit print! All those addresses that would have taken you a full morning to write on to envelopes will now take minutes. As a bonus, if you have your own return address stamp or labels, you've just cut down even more time!
- Seal, stamp, and send. You're done! Seal those cards, put a stamp on each, and they're ready to send!
How easy was that? With all the time you've saved, you can get a head start on wrapping those gifts (good news: Hallmark Gold Crown has adorable gift wrap, too! When I was buying the cards, gift wrap rolls were buy one, get one for $1!)
To help get you started, I'm giving away a $10 Hallmark Gold Crown gift card to select your own Holiday goods. Enter below!

30 Before 30: Update
November 19, 2015 • personal
Whew! I'd say this fall has been one of my busiest ever. Every weekend had commitments of one kind or another. In September, I'd established a "wish list" for the season: all the things I hoped to complete before Thanksgiving next week. But let's be real: next week is, well, Thanksgiving, so anything I haven't completed certainly won't be next week, either.
How'd I do?
How was your fall? If you had a bucket list, how many items did you achieve?

How'd I do?
- Visit a local winery: Check. When our apple-picking plans were rained out (after we drove up, of course), we visited a winery in the same neighborhood.
- Go apple picking. Nope, see above. We didn't have another free weekend together to do this.
- Make and can pasta sauce and applesauce/fried apples. Pasta sauce, check. Apple products, fail. Can't do it without apples.
- Host dinner with friends at our house. Check. We had a great evening of conversation, puppy cuddling, and vegetarian baked ziti.
- Host an Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. This was probably my biggest disappointment of the season. I planned the event (it's been an annual tradition) and sent an invite out over a month in advance. Not a single person would commit, then the day before, everyone suddenly had other plans. I'll be honest, it's been lonely in Baltimore since fewer people like to come out this way (I get it, I used to dread coming here, too), but this particular weekend was really hurtful to me. I ended up donating all the box-filling goods we'd already purchased to the church to stuff other shoeboxes, and look forward to my three upcoming volunteer shifts at the OCC Processing Center.
- Have all family birthday gifts purchased (4 birthdays between Nov-Jan!). Check! I've been buying birthday/holiday gifts in spurts each pay period since September. Birthdays have been bought and wrapped (the first birthday is this weekend), and I've made a good dent in Christmas gifts as well.
- Raise $1500 for Miles for Mothers. Not quite. This was my first time participating in the event and fundraising was a challenge for sure. I raised $200, but combined with all my participating colleagues, over $12,000 was raised to help our non-profit help others in times of urgent need.
- Update decor and sort through more boxes. Done and done. We got some mums for the front porch and a pretty fall wreath.(We also brought in my jasmine plants and are trying to sustain them with a light over the winter) Knowing I had an overnight guest coming one weekend was motivation to sort through and empty some of the boxes we still had in our guest room.
- Select Christmas cards and update mailing list. With the exception of last year, I usually send out boxed cards. I choose some pretties from Hallmark this year, and thankfully I'm pretty good about updating the excel mailing list I keep for cards throughout the year.
- Make decisions in our church search. I haven't really mentioned this on the blog, but Sean and I started exploring churches closer to our new home back in February. No church felt like "it". and while we found one church that seemed promising, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right for us. We attended for a few months and I just didn't feel comfortable committing as a member. our Sunday-Sunday cruise vacation was just the thing we needed. Neither of us were in a rush to go back after being away which was just the freedom we needed to move on. We went back to our home church the next week and I teared up just being there. I'm thinking we're there to stay.
How was your fall? If you had a bucket list, how many items did you achieve?

Baltimore, MD, USA
ThankFULL for Giveaways Hop
November 10, 2015 • giveaway
Welcome to the ThankFULL for Giveaways Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Hosted By: Mama Smith's | Women and Their Pretties
Co-Hosted By: Comeback Momma | Better on a Budget | Our Mini Family | SassyGalBeauty
Many bloggers have come together to bring you a chance to win some amazing prizes! Go ahead and enter them all because there is no limit to how many you can win! Good luck!
Baltimore, MD, USA
3 TV Shows We Binge-Watch...and 2 I Never thought I would
November 9, 2015 • personal
affiliate links
The Mindy Project
I was so excited to start watching this show...and so confused at the first few episodes of Season 1 . Of course, the show found it's sweet spot and I've been enjoying it since. I feel like this show is pretty popular and was suprised that it wasn't renewed after season 3. Praise to hulu for keeping Mindy and Danny in our living room!The Last Man on Earth
I found Season 1Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Sean wanted to start watching this together and I had no interest whatsoever (I had no clue what the show was even about). I was kinda "meh" for the first episode or two, then quickly came to love it. As late comers, we were able to binge watch Seasons 1Swamp People
Sean discovered History Channel on the Roku and started watching Swamp People. I was rolling my eyes and asking all sorts of questions before sitting down to figure out what the heck was going on....and now we've watched Seasons 1
,2, and 6 (thanks History Channel for omitting seasons. Not cool). Honestly, the show is super redundant, but still somehow addictive. Like most reality shows, it's the people who are of the most interest. It was cool to see the personal growth of some cast since we watched season 6 first and then went back.
Mountain Men
Again, History Channel dangled a carrot with this one. We watched seasons 1
1 and 2 on the Roku (it took me several episodes to warm up to this show), then season 3 was omitted. Oh, but this time, I bought the DVD on amazon. We're working our way through it now, then it's back to the Roku for season 4. It's really interesting getting to know the cast and observing their different lifestyles.
What's been in your TV queue recently?

United States
Perks of Traveling Alone
November 2, 2015 • life, theatre, travel
Last week, I got an e-mail announcing limited time discounted tickets to The King and I on Broadway. I've been dying to see it, but a $200 play ticket isn't exactly in my budget. Thanks to LincTix, I found out I could see the show for $35 over the weekend...in a second row orchestra seat, no less!
Of course, the older you get, the harder it is to find people who can join in on such spontaneity (and Sean loathes musicals). I couldn't pass up the opportunity, though, so I went ahead and bought a ticket, opting to visit the Big Apple on my own.
![]() |
The only un-perk: I suck at selfies. |
- Pacing. I could walk as fast
or as slowas I wanted to without worrying about losing another person. As someone who enjoys exploring, I could take a few seconds here and there to check out places of interest without inconveniencing someone else. - Travel. I only used a taxi once and it was because I simply wouldn't have made it to the theatre in time otherwise (I took the bus to the city and back home in the same day). The rest of the day, I opted to walk (the weather was perfect for it). I'd say I walked around 3 miles that day, something not everyone is fond of doing.
- Decisions. A huge stressor for me is trying to make a decision in a large group when there's no formal itinerary in place. Suddenly, choosing where to eat lunch becomes a huge, dramatic conflict. I was crushed for time so I didn't eat at all until after the show, but I passed place after place without feeling the pressure of having to choose immediately.
I wish I'd had more time to meander about, but as an introvert, a day alone in the city was perfect. Sure, it would have been nice to have someone to share the experience of the (amazing) show with, but overall, as someone who feels odd even eating alone in public, I found the experience to be both relaxing and liberating.
Of course, common sense and safety are to be considered. I felt comfortable taking this trip alone since I'd been to NYC before and have become more city-savvy/comfortable in the past few years. I always recommend making the best decision for yourself and taking appropriate safety precautions anywhere.
Have you taken a trip alone? How did you feel about the experience?

Instead of blogging, I...
October 19, 2015 • life
- Participated in my first 5K (I walked with colleagues to raise funds for the non-profit
we work for) - Had lunch with a friend who moved out of the country nearly six years ago
- Did some DIY-ing around the house (posts with more pics to come...maybe)
- Wrapped birthday and Christmas presents (if you thought I was kidding here, you were wrong. I'm making good progress)
- Celebrated the marriage of our wedding photographer
- Visited with out of town family (and will visit with more out of town family this weekend)
- Discovered we need concrete in our basement (really, we don't have any...wow)
- Bought tickets to see Legally Blonde The Musical with another friend I rarely see next month
In short, I've been living (and mostly enjoying) life. This fall has certainly been a busy one, but I'm still here! What have you been up to?

Gruesome Goodies Giveaway Hop
October 7, 2015 • giveaway, link up
The past week of freezing weather means I can no longer deny that it's fall (it's been in the 50's, laugh if you must, but I'm freaking cold!) But, a new season means new makeup!
I'm still swooning over the return of a beloved 90's beauty trend, but fall has plenty of gorgeous colors to offer including the ones one winner will receive in a beauty grab bag this month! Winner is guaranteed cosmetics worth at least $50 USD! Enter and check out many other gruesome goodies to be won below!
Gruesome Goodies Giveaway Hop
Welcome to the Gruesome Goodies Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers! Many of your favorite bloggers have come together to bring you another great giveaway hop! Be sure to check out all of the giveaways below because there is no limit to how many you can win! GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!
Hosted By: Mama Smith's Blog & Women and Their Pretties
Co-Hosted By: Paula MS' Giveaways Reviews and Freebies, Deliciously Savvy, Our Mini Family, & The Recipe Wench

I'm still swooning over the return of a beloved 90's beauty trend, but fall has plenty of gorgeous colors to offer including the ones one winner will receive in a beauty grab bag this month! Winner is guaranteed cosmetics worth at least $50 USD! Enter and check out many other gruesome goodies to be won below!
Gruesome Goodies Giveaway Hop

Baltimore, MD, USA
Vegetarian Baked Ziti
September 28, 2015 • brands, food

It never occured to me to try and make it myself until years later. Sean and I were married and we were having a dinner guest of the picky-eater variety. A quick google search later and I was trying the dish on my own. It seemed complicated at the time compared to the normal spaghetti I'd always cooked and grown up with, but the guest praise deemed it a success and a new recipe was thrown into our rotation.
I don't make it often, but traditionally I prepare it for dinner guests or as a covered dish for someone needing a meal. It's been adapted from the carbs-and-cheese Sbarro serving to a ground-beef laden casserole in my meat-eating days to today's vegetarian entree. All the while, the compliments came in.
It's just pasta, I would think. But it is different. Whether it's the extra time in the oven or all the richness-adding dairy, it's a simple, yummy dish that easily pleases.
When I last made the ziti, I added zuchinni and bell peppers, but the veggies can be anything you wish! Other great additions are broccoli, spinach, mushroom, and onions. To keeps things healthy, I use whole-grain pasta and sneak even more veggies in with chunky garden-style sauces like Ragu that are loaded with farm-grown veggies. Plus, it's free of yucky things like high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavoring!
Just like baked ziti has developed a heritage in my home over time, Ragu has it's own story of tradition...and it's a girl power story. Read all about it here while your ziti bakes!
Vegetarian Baked Ziti

by re·solve
Prep Time: 30 min.
Cook Time: 45 min.
Ingredients (Serves 4-6)
- 16 oz. dry penne pasta
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- vegetables, chopped, chef's choice
- olive oil
- 2 24 oz. jars Ragu sauce
- 8-10 oz. sour cream
- 24 oz ricotta cheese
- shredded Parmesan and/or Italian blend cheese
Preheat oven to 350 F
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and prepare pasta according to package directions.
While pasta is boiling, simmer garlic in olive oil on medium heat. Add in veggies and stir until warm.
Mix in pasta sauce; cover and reduce heat to low.
Grease a 9x13 baking dish with olive oil.
Place half of the pasta in the dish, followed by half of the sauce mixture.
Top first layer with sour cream, ricotta, and shredded cheese.
Layer on remaining pasta, remaining sauce, and as much cheese as desired.
Cover dish with foil and bake 45 minutes or until cheese is melted, removing foil for last 10 minutes.

Baltimore, MD, USA
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