re·cipe: turkey pesto meatballs
January 30, 2013 • food, recipe
First off, let me assure you that I am still a vegetarian. Sean, however is not (though I am proud of him for cutting back!). He rarely requests anything from me food-wise, so when he asked on Sunday if I could make these soon, it was no problem (plus it helps get rid of the remaining meat in my freezer that I haven't figured out what to do with).
Back when I gave up red meat, I used a lot of ground turkey. Tacos and pasta with meat sauce get old pretty fast, so I did a recipe search one day and found this one for said meatballs. I've never been a meatball fan, but I was up for a change and modified the recipe to what I had in the house (and shrunk it; 3 lbs. would yield A LOT of meatballs!)
These were an instant hit with both of us. I actually had to be careful because I would just munch on them straight from the oven and be full before dinner! They are great naked or you can serve them in your preferred sauce/entree. The original recipe had these guys stuffed with cheese, and as much as I love cheese, taking this away cuts down on fat, and let's be honest, you know you are likely going to top these with cheese anyway!
In today's preparation, I made a couple more modifications. Though I am not vegan, I recently switched our regular milk to almond milk. Also, I decided to ditch the pre-made pesto in favor of making my own. I HIGHLY recommend this. It's easy, cheap, and man does the kitchen smell great when you first start to grind that basil! A google search will yield you several recipes to choose from.
Here you go - enjoy!
Turkey Pesto Meatballs
You Will Need:
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 1/3 cup finely chopped onion
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup Italian-style bread crumbs
- 1/4 cup grated parmesean cheese
- 2 tbsp. prepared pesto
- 3 tbsp. milk
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Preheat oven to 375 F
- Mix onion, garlic, egg, bread crumbs, cheese, pesto, milk, salt, and black pepper in a bowl.
- Mix in ground turkey until evenly blended, then form into balls.
- Place on a nonstick baking sheet
- Drizzle the olive oil over the meatballs (I find that olive oil cooking spray makes this even and easy).
- Bake in preheated oven until the meatballs are no longer pink in the center, about 30 minutes.
- Serve/enjoy however you like!
tasty re·commendations
January 28, 2013 • food
Well, I now have two weeks of no meat under my belt (I promise I won't post a count every week!). I can honestly say I'm enjoying it and thus far haven't had any feelings of hardship or remorse. I have, however, realized that my next resolve should probably be to eat at home more. I eat on the go A LOT.
I can also say that I've enjoyed the challenge (if you can really call it one) of finding suitable foods as I go out. I've tried some things that I might not have bothered to before (I'm also a creature of habit), and am happy to say I love many of them!
Here's a few vegetarian-friendly options that worked for me on the go this past week:
Chick Fil A: It would be boring to do this often, but I LOVE CFA’s waffle fries and sweet tea. I can’t imagine giving them up completely. I grabbed a side salad along with said items for a tasty, meat-free lunch.
Squisito: Admittedly, this goes back to me being a creature of habit. I am all about anything margherita/caprese. I grabbed a slice of margherita pizza along with a house salad.
(Squisito is a local pizza/sub joint in Maryland, although each franchise has a different name and the food tends to be prepared slightly differently at each location as well.)
Taco Bell: I go to a Thursday night bible study, and TB is unfortunately the most convenient place to grab food without being late on my way from work. I saw a few options on the menu board and opted for the black bean burrito. I have to say that I was impressed. I wouldn't make a regular habit of this, but it almost didn't taste like it came from Taco Bell. Oh, and they now have churros! Not healthy, but soo yummy!
Kahve Cafe: I returned this week with one of my LivingSocial vouchers. I was torn between a couple items, but went for the Mediterranean veggie wrap. So glad I did! This is probably my favorite item on the list. There is still a salad and frittata I would like to try, but I can see this becoming a lunch-break staple for me.
Nando's Peri-Peri: This fast casual place is a favorite of mine and a new location just opened minutes from my house. Sadly, the menu primarily features chicken entrees. There are 2 vegetarian entrees aside from ordering the salads sans chicken (I did, and on a side note, if you have never experienced haloumi cheese, it is DELICIOUS!). Also, all of the sides are meat free and pretty tasty, so there are certainly still options if you're willing to get creative.
re·cent awesomeness
January 23, 2013 • life
1. Noodles & Company. Despite there being a few locations in my area, I've never been to N&Co. or even had an interest. Sean received a gift card as an end of season gift (he coaches boys' volleyball), so we finally swung by. I was pleasantly surprised to find out most of the dishes are vegetarian friendly (you can opt to add meat, tofu, or even extra veggies). Prices are lower than I expected, and you can add a salad or soup to your entree for $1! I definitely see myself returning.
2. Wicked Clothes. In an attempt to be current in more social media besides Facebook I started using my Instagram again and signed up for StumbleUpon. I have found the latter to be quite addicting and potentially dangerous to my wallet; I stumbled upon Wicked Clothes and immediately saw and knew I had to have the Maritime Anchor Bracelet (I LOVE all things nautical!) I snagged it at 20% off (always search for coupon codes before purchasing here, it looks like they post deals often!) and it has already arrived and found its place on my arm.
3. Absolut Hibiscus. Just like nautical, I have a fondness for all things hibiscus. I love the pretty, summery blooms as well as the yummy teas and waters that I have tried featuring this lovely flower. On a recent trip to the store with Sean, the pretty bottle caught my attention just as much as the yummyness I hoped would follow. Now, what to mix it with? Oh, and I definitely see an up-cycling project for the bottle in the future. What to do...
4. Bad Lip Reading. This post was going to end at #3, then Sean walked over and said "you have to watch this!" I couldn't care less about sports, but this is pretty darn funny. Football widows and fans alike will get a good laugh out of the NFL edition (I don't know about bad, I think they're pretty awesome!).
2. Wicked Clothes. In an attempt to be current in more social media besides Facebook I started using my Instagram again and signed up for StumbleUpon. I have found the latter to be quite addicting and potentially dangerous to my wallet; I stumbled upon Wicked Clothes and immediately saw and knew I had to have the Maritime Anchor Bracelet (I LOVE all things nautical!) I snagged it at 20% off (always search for coupon codes before purchasing here, it looks like they post deals often!) and it has already arrived and found its place on my arm.
3. Absolut Hibiscus. Just like nautical, I have a fondness for all things hibiscus. I love the pretty, summery blooms as well as the yummy teas and waters that I have tried featuring this lovely flower. On a recent trip to the store with Sean, the pretty bottle caught my attention just as much as the yummyness I hoped would follow. Now, what to mix it with? Oh, and I definitely see an up-cycling project for the bottle in the future. What to do...
One Week Meat Free!
January 21, 2013 • food
A week from yesterday, Sean and I grabbed lunch at a local Indian restaurant where I enjoyed a tasty Chicken Tikka Kabab.
Also, a week from yesterday, I decided to make my first vegetarian attempt by making Black Bean Veggie Burgers (or tacos, in our case).
I haven't had a bite of meat since (yep, cold turkey!), and I have to say, it wasn't so hard. Those of you following along or who know me personally know that I am no fan of seafood. You also know that I gave up red meat last year per my doctor's suggestion, leaving me with turkey and chicken.
Now that I have been making changes to live more holistically and do right by my body, I see the case for vegetarians in a whole new light. Of course I am an animal lover (I work with pets for those who don't know), but I have also seen more information indicating that perhaps maybe meat isn't as helpful to the human body as once thought - and found it un-ignorable.
While not ready to give up everything just yet, (I LOVE my sour cream and cheese!), Sean and I also finally sat down to watch the documentary Forks Over Knives this week, which was highly enlightening. I recommend taking a look at it no matter where you are nutritionally- it provides some great insight.
I remember saying even back in high school that I could be a vegetarian if forced to - I ate meat because it was accessible and expected, but I was never in love with the stuff. I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do or have any choices, but all of those are excuses; once I gave one dish a try, it was easy to keep going.
I snack on fruit throughout the day, occasionally throw in an Arbonne protein shake, and make anything I would normally make for dinner with extra veggies that I should have been eating anyway.
I especially enjoyed modifying Christina's Pesto and Goat Cheese Pasta (that I'd been meaning to try forever!) to a Pesto and Parmesean version with sauteed tomatoes and peppers on top. Yum!
Oh, eating out is no biggie either. We all know it is better to eat at home, but I had a short lunch break Saturday and wound up at Chick-Fil-A - I enjoyed a house salad and the yummy waffle fries and was just as satisfied (and felt better) than had I eaten any of their chicken offerings.
It's only been a week, but I feel great. That alone keeps me going. My stomach used to be upset all the time, and that is pretty much eliminated (except when I gorge on M&M's- they're meatless!). I'm excited to keep this up in the long term and find new things to try in the kitchen - feel free to share your favorites!
Also, a week from yesterday, I decided to make my first vegetarian attempt by making Black Bean Veggie Burgers (or tacos, in our case).
I haven't had a bite of meat since (yep, cold turkey!), and I have to say, it wasn't so hard. Those of you following along or who know me personally know that I am no fan of seafood. You also know that I gave up red meat last year per my doctor's suggestion, leaving me with turkey and chicken.
Now that I have been making changes to live more holistically and do right by my body, I see the case for vegetarians in a whole new light. Of course I am an animal lover (I work with pets for those who don't know), but I have also seen more information indicating that perhaps maybe meat isn't as helpful to the human body as once thought - and found it un-ignorable.
While not ready to give up everything just yet, (I LOVE my sour cream and cheese!), Sean and I also finally sat down to watch the documentary Forks Over Knives this week, which was highly enlightening. I recommend taking a look at it no matter where you are nutritionally- it provides some great insight.
I remember saying even back in high school that I could be a vegetarian if forced to - I ate meat because it was accessible and expected, but I was never in love with the stuff. I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do or have any choices, but all of those are excuses; once I gave one dish a try, it was easy to keep going.
I snack on fruit throughout the day, occasionally throw in an Arbonne protein shake, and make anything I would normally make for dinner with extra veggies that I should have been eating anyway.
I especially enjoyed modifying Christina's Pesto and Goat Cheese Pasta (that I'd been meaning to try forever!) to a Pesto and Parmesean version with sauteed tomatoes and peppers on top. Yum!
Oh, eating out is no biggie either. We all know it is better to eat at home, but I had a short lunch break Saturday and wound up at Chick-Fil-A - I enjoyed a house salad and the yummy waffle fries and was just as satisfied (and felt better) than had I eaten any of their chicken offerings.
It's only been a week, but I feel great. That alone keeps me going. My stomach used to be upset all the time, and that is pretty much eliminated (except when I gorge on M&M's- they're meatless!). I'm excited to keep this up in the long term and find new things to try in the kitchen - feel free to share your favorites!
Every Week's re·solve: Do More Your(my)self
January 15, 2013 • DIY
Once upon a time (last July to be exact), I was lying on my futon at home recovering from ear surgery. Bored out of my mind, I decided to surf Pinterest. What caught my eye that day was an uber-popular Pumpkin Dip pin that came from Carolina Charm. Whomever the pinner was pinned the blog and not the specific post. What began as a hunt for said pin turned into the discovery of 1. one of my favorite blogs, and 2. that I could, in fact, do a lot more myself than I'd initially thought.
I found the pin, but along the way became enamored with many others. Thanks to Christina and her delightful blog, There is a glass of "sassy water" next to the laptop as I write this, and in my freezer is a highly useful container of taco seasoning that I made on my own (in all of 15 seconds or so - check her out and find out for yourself!).
If you had asked me a year ago if I would ever forgo buying packets of taco seasoning to make my own, I likely would have shrugged you off. $1 a packet doesn't seem like much, and I never considered the additives. I might have even said I didn't have the time or know-how.
Well, I know I'm not alone in that. In fact, I stopped to write this blog post because the media even exploits that feeling. Look what I came across in February's issue of Better Homes & Gardens:
(Side note: I was equally appalled at this as an Irishwoman as I was as an up and coming DIY-er...what do you mean, who has time to make mashed potatoes It ain't that hard and I personally find the stuff in the box offensive. Most of the time is waiting for 'em to boil!)
Yes, I stopped and scanned it. I find myself doing that a lot lately. As I have resolved to do more things myself, I have become more and more aware that I was lying to myself and the media was helping.
All the changes didn't happen at once. A pin here, a blog post there - I give something a try, and inevitably I think "Wow, that was easy. I can't believe I avoided this before. I can keep this up!" (i.e. homemade laundry detergent - I do NOT miss buying the overpriced stuff from the store.)
Long story short, I see an idea and resolve to try it. Often, it results in me resolving to continue it. I can't wait to find the next thing!
Any suggestions? What do you like to do yourself vs. letting the stores win?
I found the pin, but along the way became enamored with many others. Thanks to Christina and her delightful blog, There is a glass of "sassy water" next to the laptop as I write this, and in my freezer is a highly useful container of taco seasoning that I made on my own (in all of 15 seconds or so - check her out and find out for yourself!).
Well, I know I'm not alone in that. In fact, I stopped to write this blog post because the media even exploits that feeling. Look what I came across in February's issue of Better Homes & Gardens:
(Side note: I was equally appalled at this as an Irishwoman as I was as an up and coming DIY-er...what do you mean, who has time to make mashed potatoes It ain't that hard and I personally find the stuff in the box offensive. Most of the time is waiting for 'em to boil!)
Yes, I stopped and scanned it. I find myself doing that a lot lately. As I have resolved to do more things myself, I have become more and more aware that I was lying to myself and the media was helping.
All the changes didn't happen at once. A pin here, a blog post there - I give something a try, and inevitably I think "Wow, that was easy. I can't believe I avoided this before. I can keep this up!" (i.e. homemade laundry detergent - I do NOT miss buying the overpriced stuff from the store.)
Long story short, I see an idea and resolve to try it. Often, it results in me resolving to continue it. I can't wait to find the next thing!
Any suggestions? What do you like to do yourself vs. letting the stores win?
re·cipe: black bean veggie "burgers"
January 13, 2013 • food, recipe
Last year, my doctor mentioned that I had high triglycerides. While it wasn't an immediate threat, I needed to work on lowering the number. Her two suggestions were to cut down drastically on carbs and red meat. Well, I LOVE my carbs. There is nothing like fresh bread and I love a good cupcake! That left the red meat. It wasn't something I valued highly to begin with, and since I wasn't planning to budge on the carbs, I decided to cut consumption of it completely.
Add that to the fact that I don't eat seafood (I've just never liked the stuff), and I'm left with chicken and turkey. I make a lot with it at home, but over the past year, the case for vegetarianism has really began to jump out at me and make sense. I've already reduced my meat consumption greatly, but have been inspired to try and cut back more.
Among the cookbooks I recently borrowed from the library, I got one for vegan recipes. I quickly returned it, frustrated to realize that I didn't recognize half of the ingredients in the book! Yikes! I wanted to start simple so I wouldn't get frustrated and fail. I wanted to start with ingredients I already like and use and work my way up.
A quick internet search for vegetarian recipes got me a recipe for Black Bean Veggie Burgers. I almost always have a can of beans in my pantry, so I figured this would be a great starting point. My hubby was curious, so last night, I made my version with what we had available. We actually ended up with black bean veggie "tacos." Yum! Not a bad start. Easy, tasty, and easily modified to your preferences.
Add that to the fact that I don't eat seafood (I've just never liked the stuff), and I'm left with chicken and turkey. I make a lot with it at home, but over the past year, the case for vegetarianism has really began to jump out at me and make sense. I've already reduced my meat consumption greatly, but have been inspired to try and cut back more.
Among the cookbooks I recently borrowed from the library, I got one for vegan recipes. I quickly returned it, frustrated to realize that I didn't recognize half of the ingredients in the book! Yikes! I wanted to start simple so I wouldn't get frustrated and fail. I wanted to start with ingredients I already like and use and work my way up.
A quick internet search for vegetarian recipes got me a recipe for Black Bean Veggie Burgers. I almost always have a can of beans in my pantry, so I figured this would be a great starting point. My hubby was curious, so last night, I made my version with what we had available. We actually ended up with black bean veggie "tacos." Yum! Not a bad start. Easy, tasty, and easily modified to your preferences.
Black Bean Veggie Burgers (or tacos)
- 1 16 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1/2 green bell pepper
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 1 tbsp cumin
- 1 tbsp chili powder
- onion powder to taste
- garlic powder to taste
- 1 tsp. hot or chili sauce
Mash black beans until thick and pasty. Finely chop green pepper in food processor and stir into black beans. In a separate bowl, combine egg, cumin, and chili powder. Combine mixture with black beans. Add hot sauce and garlic and onion powders to taste. Mix in bread crumbs until the mixture is sticky and holds together. Form mixture into four patties and cook in greased skillet on medium heat, approximately 7 minutes per side. Enjoy!
We went on to chop up the patties and serve on warmed tortillas with cheese and tomato. The recipe is on the blander side, so feel free to change spices or add more hot sauce to suit your personal heat level!
This week's re·solve: Fruit
January 9, 2013 • food, health and beauty
I love fruit. It's sweet, delicious, healthy, and convenient. There isn't much not to love, really. Yet, somehow, I can forget about it when it's time to eat.
Every year, the articles on resolutions say to set specific goals if you want to be successful and not fail by the end of the month like most will. Instead of "eat better," "eat healthy," "work out more," etc. we should try, "finish a bottle of water by noon," "attend Wednesday yoga," or "eat a fruit a day." It's easy, attainable, and not nearly so overwhelming.
Hence why I chose to call my blog RESOLVE. I can resolve to make little changes one at a time...anytime. I can constantly better myself and my life this way.
Back to the point: my resolve this week was to eat more fruit. Scratch that. What does that mean? What does that look like? I bought a ton of fruit this week and don't want the bananas browning by the end of the week like they so often have just because I didn't specify what I meant.
No. This week, I gave myself a rule - a fruit had to be included with every meal. Specific. It's not a diet, but it's an improvement as it means I'm eating at least 3 servings a day. It means if I rush off to Chick-Fil-A on my lunch break, I'm not filling up on those yummy waffle fries and forgoing other important nutrients. I'm not depriving myself, but I'm still helping myself. It means when I ordered pizza on Monday because I was home alone and too lazy to cook, I ate a banana while I awaited the delivery - I don't have to feel like the whole evening was junk!
What does this look like? Grab an apple for breakfast. Bring a banana to work for a snack. Have another apple with your lunch. Thaw out some frozen berries and sprinkle them with sugar for dessert after dinner. (Or sneak that fruit in before you go out to eat or call something in!) Accessibility is key. If the fruit is there and accessible, you've made it easy on yourself. Those apples are great when I'm rushing into a morning shift, but I I know I'd get bored. Some tasty mangoes were waiting me for mornings I worked a little later and had the time to cut one up and enjoy at home.
Did I lose five pounds? I don't know. I'm not watching the scale or stressing myself out. I'm simply resolving to do something better for my body and have peace in the awareness that beneficial things are going in every day.
What's your resolve this week?
Every year, the articles on resolutions say to set specific goals if you want to be successful and not fail by the end of the month like most will. Instead of "eat better," "eat healthy," "work out more," etc. we should try, "finish a bottle of water by noon," "attend Wednesday yoga," or "eat a fruit a day." It's easy, attainable, and not nearly so overwhelming.
Hence why I chose to call my blog RESOLVE. I can resolve to make little changes one at a time...anytime. I can constantly better myself and my life this way.
Back to the point: my resolve this week was to eat more fruit. Scratch that. What does that mean? What does that look like? I bought a ton of fruit this week and don't want the bananas browning by the end of the week like they so often have just because I didn't specify what I meant.
No. This week, I gave myself a rule - a fruit had to be included with every meal. Specific. It's not a diet, but it's an improvement as it means I'm eating at least 3 servings a day. It means if I rush off to Chick-Fil-A on my lunch break, I'm not filling up on those yummy waffle fries and forgoing other important nutrients. I'm not depriving myself, but I'm still helping myself. It means when I ordered pizza on Monday because I was home alone and too lazy to cook, I ate a banana while I awaited the delivery - I don't have to feel like the whole evening was junk!
These will be finished before that brown goes any further! |
Did I lose five pounds? I don't know. I'm not watching the scale or stressing myself out. I'm simply resolving to do something better for my body and have peace in the awareness that beneficial things are going in every day.
What's your resolve this week?
Maryland, USA
Arbonne Protein Bars
January 8, 2013 • food, health and beauty, recipe
Who remembers no-bake cookies? You know, those yummy, cold clusters of chocolate and oatmeal
Lucky me, I remembered the Arbonne protein shake mix. I'm not a big shake person, so it's not always an item I have in my house. But, I happened to have it, and I remembered the gazillion recipes people have come up with for Arbonne nutritional products. From flavored shakes to desserts galore, I knew I could whip up something I would enjoy and could justify eating.
If you aren't familiar, Arbonne is a Swiss-formulated health and wellness company whose high-quality offerings range from skincare and makeup to supplements, energy drinks, and these protein shakes! Most everything is certified vegan AND gluten free...and full of benefits. They have an amazing 30 day to healthy living challenge which I participated in and achieved amazing results!
If you're on the 30 day plan, please know this recipe is delicious and amazing, but is not compliant with the first 30 days; the peanut butter and honey would need to be swapped out for alternatives Everyone else, this is way healthier than a no bake cookie and every bit as delicious, as are these two flavors of Arbonne protein balls!
Arbonne Protein Bars

by Bekah Loves Blog
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: Refrigerate 1 hour
Ingredients (28 bars)
- 2 cups creamy peanut butter
- 1 1/4 cups honey
- 3 cups instant oats
- 2 1/4 cups Arbonne Protein Powder (all chocolate chocolate or 1/2 chocolate 1/2 vanilla)
Microwave peanut butter and honey for about a minute. Mix well.
Mix in Arbonne protein powder.
Mix in oats, one cup at a time.
Pack into a lightly greased 9x13 pan.
Cool in refrigerator for an hour and cut into 28 squares.
Like this recipe? Check out the updated spin in 2 flavors: Arbonne Protein Balls!
Baltimore, MD, USA
re·cipe: sunrise muffins
January 4, 2013 • food, recipe
Remember the pile of cookbooks pictured in my last post? I was surprised with a day off which I spent flipping through them, flagging recipes, and writing grocery lists. I can never waste any time when I'm actually motivated to play in the kitchen!
The book I enjoyed the most was Allison Fishman's You Can Trust a Skinny Cook. It's been out for a couple of years, but I love the layout, the colors, the comments, and the pictures. Everything seems simple and straightforward
Since I do have to work tomorrow, I tackled a breakfast recipe first so I can grab it and go in the morning. Dinner is simmering as I write this (and my hubby came home and let out an audible "mmm!" when he bit into one of the muffins!) I did make modifications, but I am happy with how they came out and will likely be making them again. I see these working out great next time it's my turn to bring breakfast for my Sunday school class!
You Will Need:
The book I enjoyed the most was Allison Fishman's You Can Trust a Skinny Cook. It's been out for a couple of years, but I love the layout, the colors, the comments, and the pictures. Everything seems simple and straightforward
Since I do have to work tomorrow, I tackled a breakfast recipe first so I can grab it and go in the morning. Dinner is simmering as I write this (and my hubby came home and let out an audible "mmm!" when he bit into one of the muffins!) I did make modifications, but I am happy with how they came out and will likely be making them again. I see these working out great next time it's my turn to bring breakfast for my Sunday school class!
Sunrise Muffins |
Sunrise Muffins
Adapted from Allison Fishman's You Can Trust a Skinny Cook
You Will Need:
- Cooking Spray
- 1 navel orange, cut into eighths (you will use everything, peel included!)
- 1/2 cup orange juice (I substituted cranberry juice for this)
- 1 large egg
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil (I substituted canola)
- 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp kosher salt (substituted my regular sea salt)
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries,chopped
- Preheat the oven to 375F. Coat a muffin tin with cooking spray.
- Put the orange wedges, juice, egg, and oil into a blender and blend until smooth.
- In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; whisk to incorporate.
- Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, pour the orange mixture into it and stir to make a thick batter. Stir in the cranberries.
- Fill muffin tins with batter, about 3/4 full. Bake until the muffins are golden and push back when gently pressed, about 20-25 minutes. Let cool and enjoy warm or toasted. (the author also left a cool tip to turn the muffins sideways in their tins once touchable to cool vs. using a rack!)
January 2, 2013 • health and beauty, life
2013 is here, and social media sites are flooded with posts full of soon-to-be forgotten resolutions. Even now, people will stock up on salads and yogurt and flood local gyms (to the chagrin of those of us who now have to deal with the new crowds). They may even lose a few pounds, but by February first, many will be back in front of the TV, fast food in lap.
Seeing this year after year has hindered me from making any resolutions at the New Year. The time provokes and even forces us to resolve to something that may or may not last. It is only the irony of timing then that I begin this blog now. Looking over the last year, I can see how I have resolved to do many things, and the New Year is simply a catalyst for improvement:
-Start my Arbonne business. I had to take time off in July for a surgery just after I had returned from an unpaid vacation. I couldn't afford to be gone so soon again. I needed something more. I love Arbonne's products and resolved to give the business a try. This year, I renew that resolve by seeking out growth in my new business.
-Use more holistic products. Using Arbonne has inspired me to extend my use of pure, safe, and beneficial products beyond my skincare and makeup. Pinterest has made this easy as well as other organic companies. I began to clean with vinegar and make my own laundry detergent. I try to drink more water and reach for badger balm or other remedies before popping painkillers. This year, I resolve to continue and grow the habit.
- Eat Better. Around the time of my surgery, my doctor not only pointed out that I was now considered obese, but that my triglycerides were alarmingly high. I was advised to give up sweets (ha!) and red meat. I resolved to do the latter, only eating it if served at another's home. This year, I continue the resolve and take it further by expanding recipes and incorporating vegetarian and vegan meals into our home.
Throughout the year, I resolve to share how I have acted on these resolves, and to share the new ones I make, with or without occasion!
Seeing this year after year has hindered me from making any resolutions at the New Year. The time provokes and even forces us to resolve to something that may or may not last. It is only the irony of timing then that I begin this blog now. Looking over the last year, I can see how I have resolved to do many things, and the New Year is simply a catalyst for improvement:
-Start my Arbonne business. I had to take time off in July for a surgery just after I had returned from an unpaid vacation. I couldn't afford to be gone so soon again. I needed something more. I love Arbonne's products and resolved to give the business a try. This year, I renew that resolve by seeking out growth in my new business.
-Use more holistic products. Using Arbonne has inspired me to extend my use of pure, safe, and beneficial products beyond my skincare and makeup. Pinterest has made this easy as well as other organic companies. I began to clean with vinegar and make my own laundry detergent. I try to drink more water and reach for badger balm or other remedies before popping painkillers. This year, I resolve to continue and grow the habit.
- Eat Better. Around the time of my surgery, my doctor not only pointed out that I was now considered obese, but that my triglycerides were alarmingly high. I was advised to give up sweets (ha!) and red meat. I resolved to do the latter, only eating it if served at another's home. This year, I continue the resolve and take it further by expanding recipes and incorporating vegetarian and vegan meals into our home.
Throughout the year, I resolve to share how I have acted on these resolves, and to share the new ones I make, with or without occasion!
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