We've talked before about my family's ornament tradition. One of my favorite things at Christmas is unwrapping each one and reminiscing of it's origin. Maybe it's a childhood photo of Sean or a souvenir from a memory we've made together. Maybe (and likely) it was a gift from my mother.
Of course, Christmas itself is a tradition: the tradition of thanking God for sending His Son to earth among us, of pausing to remember and celebrate His human birth. While a nativity set somewhere in our home reflects this, our tree does not. Until this year.
I received a stunning boxed set of Adorenaments® from Ever Thine Home, His Christmas Names pronouncing seven names of Jesus in gold metal form. I'm partial to this set and was thrilled to receive it, but Ever Thine does offer an additional two sets of Adorenaments®: His Savior Names and His Royal Names, featuring additional names of Christ in different silver ornament designs.
I was especially thrilled with the presentation of each set as they come beautifully boxed (what can I say, I'm easy to please!) with a book highlighting the importance of each name.
Our tree had already been decorated, but I was thrilled to "prepare Him room," if you will, and add all 7 names. This set will definitely be part of our ornament tradition for years to come.
Ever Thine Home sent along an additional set to gift to one of you this season. Enter below!

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