It's Friday! It's August! My, oh my. It feels like so much and so little has been happening.

- Tribe Groups. We agreed to help with a church plant near us earlier this year and so many different things have happened. From hosting small groups in our home to finding a more permanent home for Sunday services to welcoming our second missions team in a week to help us launch, the growth is encouraging!
- Wedding Season. Sean and I got married in 2010...along with 90% of our friends. I joke that these days we've been invited to more funerals then weddings (yikes, is that what happens when you turn 30?), but we do have one dear friend's wedding coming up in a few days. Can't wait to celebrate with them!
- Overnight oats. I'm super late to the party here, but in the spirit of frugality, I finally gave overnight oats a try and I think I've discovered my new favorite breakfast—at least in the summer months. I love mixing them with brown sugar, cinnamon, and pecans. What are your favorite mix-ins?
- The Little Mermaid. The Broadway show of my favorite Disney movie opened in 2007—prime broke college student time. It closed before I could ever afford to go see a Broadway show and I've been bitter ever since. I'm still upset that a national tour never formulated as promised (there seems to be a mini one going to limited areas nowhere near me happening), but at least I'm finally getting to see a community theatre performance this weekend when my high school bestie and I take a road trip up to Jersey for it.
- Dresses. I jumped on the LulaRoe bandwagon several months ago and just tried their newest dress, the Carly! While the Nicole may still be my all-around favorite, I do wish Carly had made an appearance at the beginning of summer as she is perfect for the hot temperatures we've been having lately!

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