I've mentioned before that Sean and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. Our dating anniversary (this will be our 10th!) also falls in February and we deem that a better day to celebrate.
circa 2010. don't think we'll be seeing this much snow this year. |
That doesn't stop me from having fun entering Valentine's Day contests. I entered in 2013 and 2014 and won both. Woohoo!
But, I couldn't find any to enter this year, so my mushiness runneth over to this here blog.
The entry for the first contest I entered was quite simple. Simply state why you love your spouse (the second one was sharing how you met your spouse). As I read through my competitors' entries, I had a heartbreaking wake-up call:
Most people don't know, don't remember, or can't put into words
why they love their significant others.
why they love their significant others.
No, really. Entry after entry stated the ho-hum "she's kind, he's thoughtful, she's a good mom, she's so good to me." Cliche statements with no supportive detail. Sure, they're true, but they get watered down when everyone is saying the exact same thing. Plus, if you married that person, I certainly hope you find them to be kind!
I knew I had to do better, and that most importantly, I had to be intentional about doing better in the future. I had to be aware of the existing "whys" and take note of the additional "whys" that happen as time goes by:
Is Sean thoughtful? Yes. He showed thoughtfulness on the snow day just last month where I had a two hour delay and he had to be at work on time. It should have been me using the spare time to shovel the sidewalk and wipe the cars off, but he did those things without question or complaint while I stayed warm in bed. Realizing he'd been outside longer than expected, I peeked out our window to see him clearing the snow off our neighbor's front porch—our neighbor who had moved back to his childhood home in order to care for his elderly mother.
Yes, my husband is thoughtful. I could have left it at that, but now a picture has been painted to share just one example of "why".
Choose to see the moments that make the "whys." Choose to thank your spouse in those moments, but also be intentional about remembering those moments so that you always have a strong "why," and so you are always lifting your spouse up.
So, tell me: why do you love your spouse?

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