I'd heard good things about it and was excited to read it. Some things were helpful and enlightening. Some things irritated me (I have a huge issue when it looks like Christian women authors try to push their personal agendas in their books). Some things seemed so basic, I felt they didn't need to be said.
I don't remember every lie in the book, but I do remember one that fits into the latter category:
God doesn't love me.
While I never want my blog to be a place of whining or negativity, I do want to be real. Life has it's ups and downs and it's just wrong to let anyone believe that the Christian life is a cake walk. I also know that the enemy doesn't want us to share things; he wants us to continue believing we are alone in our suffering when it is so far from the truth.
It just so happens that in my case, life has had a lot of downs in the past six months. Even though I'm not feeling particularly encouraged by now, hopefully I can be of encouragement to someone else.
Back to the lie: I was raised in Sunday School. I "asked Jesus into my heart" before I was even IN school. If there's one thing that has been drilled into my head, it's Jesus loves me, this I know...
I knew it through two surgeries, even though the results to date aren't as planned.
I knew it through a month of jury duty immediately after my surgery.
I knew it when I lost my job.
I knew it when Ben left his earthly home for his heavenly one.
I wish I could tell you what snapped, what brought me to tears in my church's Thanksgiving service. I was in a room full of people who knew what I knew. As person after person stood up to share their stories of God's faithfulness and provision, the tears came and the lie crept in.
God provided for them. God used the church family to help them. He's forgotten you. He's not providing for you this time. He doesn't care about you. You're on your own.
I know it's a lie. I hope by next Thanksgiving I'll be standing up sharing how we were hit with trial after trial and how God provided and taught us anyway.
In the meantime, I admit it's not easy. I admit I've cried and worried every day for over a week. I'm not perfect and any Christian who says they are is delusional.
That being said, it's still worth it. Even with the lies of Satan in my face in the middle of church, I'd rather go through this with Christ than without.

Bekah, this is beautiful. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now...but the fact that you know Satan is lying to your face is an early sign that you will get through. I'll be praying for you, and for your understanding in the situations you're in. Keep smiling. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen it rains, it pours and then, eventually, the storm does clear. Sometimes it seems like the longest storm ever, but the sun will come out again. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteIt is a lie, and not worth believing or listening to--but that devil can be so wily and convincing!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely going through this with Christ is better than without Him. He will bring you through. I am confident. I certainly know it is hard to wait for His timing. That is where our faith comes in. Keep trusting in Him and he will pull you through. I haven't been around here very long so I don't know your whole story, but I will be praying for you through the Holiday season to be comforted and provided for. It's tough.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for you, my friend.
ReplyDeleteHugs! I'm so sorry you're going through rough times right now. I think about you often and hope that better times are coming sooner rather than later!
ReplyDeleteYou betta preach. But I know what you mean and sometimes we have to be reminded of God's faithfulness, mercy, grace and love. I, like you, grew up knowing these things but sometimes it can be hard. The other day we were singing a song I've heard time and time again at church but that didn't stop me from weeping like a baby and asking God to forgive me.